
Water birth: A cuddly welcome

Water birth has changed the way many approach infant delivery process.

Water birth, though not the most latest of techniques but surely the most sort after technique by various parents-to-be. Water birth is a method which is being opted for by moms-to-be where the method involves delivering a baby in a pool/tub of warm water. Despite being there for various centuries the technique has recently gained popularity with various parents-to-be. Despite being there for age?s water birthing technique has recently gained popularity with various parents-to-be.

More and more pregnant women have shown their interest for this technique of giving birth through this method. The main reason why many moms have water birth as their first preference is for the fact that water has scientific powers of reducing labor pains. Warm water tub benefits the women who?s about to give birth to a child, as it helps in relaxing her by normalizing the breathing and pushing pattern. Though it is highly advisable to take doctors? advice before going in for water birth, as it if for the doctor who can ascertain as to whether water birth would be safe for the mother and child or not.

Water has a unique characteristic to tender buoyancy to the body which has offers an added benefit during water birth as it becomes easier for the mother to move and change to a more relaxed position while giving birth. Various women who have tried water birth method of giving birth would vouch for its benefits. Now-a-days not only various celebrities but also various mothers have opted for this technique.

Another reason for various mothers to choose this technique is that it is a drug free labor which is why as soon as the baby is out it is welcomed with a body-to-body cuddle by both the parents. From the baby?s perspective water helps the infant move from watery environment to another watery environment making it a safer trip. Medical theories have evidenced that newborn babies make strong vigorous movements of their own consensus and as they come to the surface they should be immediately lifted so that the infants? body is clear of the water.