
Dental Bridges vs. Dental Implants

Dental bridges have long been one of the most popular options for replacing missing teeth. But more dentists and patients alike are discovering the long-term advantages of dental implants.

Although advances in dental materials and technology have helped refine dental bridges to make them fit better and last longer, bridges lack the permanence of dental implants and can even contribute to further dental problems when not properly cared for. Dental implants, on the other hand, provide a durable, natural-looking and long-lasting solution for missing teeth.

If not replaced, missing teeth can contribute to gum recession, tissue loss, tooth movement, jaw bone density loss and other problems.

One misconception about dental implants is that they can?t be used to replace multiple, corresponding missing teeth. If your dentist determines that you?re a candidate for dental implants, two or more implants can be anchored adjacent to one another.

Additional advantages of dental implants over dental bridges and dentures include:

? Dental implants can be permanent with proper oral hygiene; bridges typically last around 10 years
? Dental implants resemble your natural teeth
? Dental implants function like your natural teeth
? Dental implants are cared for like your natural teeth
? Dental implants are fixed in place
? Dental implants allow you to eat what you want

Dental bridges often require the surface of surrounding teeth to be ground down in order to attach the anchors that support the false tooth or teeth. Dental implants do not require the alteration of adjacent teeth; rather, dental implants utilize a titanium post that functions as an artificial root and actually fuses to your jaw bone before being capped with a dental crown.

While dental implants can provide a strong, long-lasting solution for missing teeth, they do come with some drawbacks including:

? Dental implants can be more expensive than other tooth replacement options
? The dental implant process requires multiple visits over several months to complete
? Dental implants are not for everyone, including those with certain medical conditions or a lack of jaw bone density

If you would like to learn more about tooth replacement options, please visit the website of Calgary dentist Dr. Mehbs Ali.