
Are You Required To Take Weekends Off On Nutrisystem?

I sometimes hear from folks who had originally planned to take weekends off on Nutrisystem but who have now changed their mind. They want to know if they now have to continue on as they have been doing or if they can now make some additional adjustments.

I heard from someone who said: "after I started researching Nutrisystem, I decided that doing a variation on the flex program would probably be a better fit for me. I felt like I might be hungry sometimes so I thought that taking weekends off might give me something to look forward to. Plus, I liked to idea of having more freedom on the weekends. Well, it has been a couple of weeks on the diet now and it is not as bad as I thought. My results are good. I feel like I am gaining some momentum and, when it's time to take the weekends off, I'm torn. I don't want to undo all of the hard work that I have already done. I don't even really enjoy my free meals because I am worried that they are going to cause me to gain back the weight. Do I have to take the weekends off on Nutrisystem? And can I just eat the foods that I already have on weekends?" I will try to answer these questions in the following article.

The plan truly is meant to be flexible. I would suggest taking any specific question to one of the counselors as they can probably give you an official answer, which this article isn't meant to be. I'm just telling you my opinion, but I would not think that there would be any problem with you eating the diet meals on the weekends. Yes, they do offer a part time or flex plan. But they also offer a full time plan where you do not take weekends off. So you would just be switching from the part time to the full time plan.

And it may reassure you to know that the foods on both packages are not any different. The flex package is only different because you are provided with less meals since you are taking those weekends (or about eight days per month) off. So yes you will be getting less foods, but the types of food that you get are the same. So yes, if you wanted to switch to dieting on the weekends, you would simply continue to eat the diet foods continuously. Depending on how much food you have already ordered, you may run out of food earlier than you would have if you had followed a part time plan. But since there's no contract or monthly allotment, this doesn't need to be a big deal. Just place a new order a little before you run out of food so that you ensure that you don't run out.

I'd like to make a final point. Even if you are on Nutrisystem part time, this doesn't mean that you can eat whatever you like on the weekends. The flex plan does offer very specific guidelines about what to eat when you take those weekends off. And the whole idea is to do this right so that you do not gain any of the weight back.

But to answer the concern posed, it's my opinion that it's perfectly fine to not take weekends off. You'll be taking in fewer calories this way and the diet is meant to be flexible. That's why they offer both types of plans.

Want more tips on being successful on or starting Nutrisystem while saving money? Ava's Nutrisystem Information Website features articles meant to help you evaluate and have success with this diet. There's also a link to a free eBook and the latest coupons to help you get started. You can visit her at http://ava-alderman-weight-loss-articles.com/