
Day 7 and 8 of My Juice Fast Diet

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Day 7
Weight: 202

Today is the day I will need to drink pre-made juice. I made some containers last night, and put them in the refrigerator. They didn't look as delicious this morning as they did when I made them. Perhaps I will juice them same day next time-just get up earlier. I purchased some containers that are used for shaking up protein drinks, so at least I can mix this juice before I drink it.

I have kept the juice in a cold place, so they don't taste bad, but they are just not the same as fresh. I can honestly tell a bit of difference in how my body is responding to it. It don't feel the same pep as I normally do after a juice.

Everyone else in the class brought a lunch, and they all smell delicious. They all have snacks to eat during the class as well, and I think more out of habit, I find myself wanting some. Any time I take a class like this, I usually have a pocket full of something to snack on. I will survive though.

The class ended up running late, so I didn't have time to juice before getting to the gym to teach class. I feel surprisingly good. Classes went well, but I am ready for bed.

Just a couple thoughts before I do: I was asked the question yesterday what I will do when I finish this diet. Whether I would continue juicing, or what I would do. I will definitely continue to juice. I'm not sure to what extent. I LOVE food! I love to prepare it. I love to eat it. I enjoy the smell of good food. I have gotten to the point that I can discern ingredients of food by the smell. I can tell what stage in the cooking process food is by the smell. I have no desire to completely give up food, but I do want to prepare and eat more healthy food, and I firmly believe juicing can be a big part of it. Some of the juices I have made have been delicious in and of themselves. With more research, trial, and error, I think I can find some culinary satisfaction through creating juice masterpieces. It's not cooking, but it is creating. Creating that is pleasing to the palate.

Day 8
Weight: 202

I was hoping to break the 200 lb mark. It didn't happen, but I'm hoping today it will. I've got a lot of catch-up to do today at work since I was at my class yesterday. I hope I will have time for INSANITY.

I sliced the finger cutting veggies this morning. As always, I don't do anything ½ way. I cut it pretty good. I suppose this presents another potential pitfall to this diet. Hopefully, you are not as clumsy as I am.

I got my best workout I've had since starting the diet. INSANITY was INSANE. I pushed all the way through... no stopping. I then got a few rounds of sparring in, and even rolled around a bit in Jiu Jitsu class. I can tell I'm going to be sore from this day, but it felt great. After all that training, I drank a juice, and taught one of my more energetic Muay Thai classes. All-in-all, it was a great day at the gym.

The only thing I will miss about this diet is the pain in the butt it is to clean my juicer after every meal. It is a bit time consuming, but very necessary.

As I wrap up this journey, I look back upon it as a positive experience. Please indulge me as I share my thoughts about the whole ordeal. Don't mistake these thoughts for a farewell, I will continue to document the days to follow this diet, as I am sure getting back on to solid foods will be as tumultuous as weaning off it.

Diabetes runs in my family. My relatives don't live past 50- Usually, due to complications resulting from the disease. I turned 45 this year, giving me pause to reflect on my own humanity. This diet gave me a reason and excuse to completely focus on ME. I don't mean in a selfish way. It gave me an opportunity to examine the relationships I have with other, how my health affects them, and what my role in this world is moving forward.

Through this process, I realized, I do want to live longer. I do want to see my children get older, and have a relationship with them as adults. I do want to know my grandchildren. I want to look better for my wife. I want to feel better in order to allow me to improve my personal relationships with others. I want to look like a fitness instructor for my clients. I want to be a better person. I think I need to periodically challenge myself. Test my self-control. Remind myself who I am, and what is important to me. This diet has brought on a great deal of self-reflection. I have been forced to tune into my body. I have been forced to control my urges and thoughts. It hasn't been easy. It's definitely not the most difficult thing I have ever done, but it was a challenge. The one thing it did make me do was be 100% constantly aware of ME. I was acutely aware of my emotional state. I consciously tracked my physiological, and mental states. This diet has helped propel me in the direction I want to head. I have achieved my goal, and now look to use it as a springboard to achieve the rest of what I listed above. I know what I need to do, and am determined to do it. Thanks for reading, and I wish you all tremendous success, whether you decide to Juice Fast or not.

Total Cost of program:
Juicer #1: $100.00
Juicer #2: $300.00
Fruit and Vegetables for 8 days: $412.86

NOTES: Most of you won't need 2 juicers. While not optimal, juice can be packaged and taken to work. It may be inconvenient for those in a conventional work environment to juice fast to begin with. Obviously, your circumstances have to work for you.

I may have spent more on produce than necessary, as I wanted to try different things.
You can also spend a great deal more if you want to go with an all-organic diet.

To learn more about my Juice Fast Diet, as well as other tips related to dieting, fitness, and just plain lifestyle, follow my BLOG at


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